Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blow Out Candles Once Again

Wow, it has been Some Kind of Wonderful few days. Since my last post, there has been this: Representing CSU for a 12 mile run on the Greenway

That’s right, new milestone! 12.44 miles. I was contemplating doing the whole 13.1 (half marathon), but I saw my car and said F-It, I am done. I was alone for the whole thing and it went well pretty damn well. I cried (Or was it the wind?). Later in the day, I was lovin some family time. My brother's birthday, the Oscars and a jam session. I picked up the guitar after filming. Trust me, the last thing you want to see or hear is me attempting to play guitar.

Monday brought my 39th birthday celebration.
My official birthday was Tuesday, March 9th, but my friends and I cross-trained celebrated this way (these are not random women, Chris is on the right, Sarah in the middle and Jen on the left. It would be really creepy if I was video-ing random women):

We learned two lessons that night. 1. Concerts are not an appropriate place to inhale anything medicinal, at least according to the staff at the Pepsi Center in Denver. 2. Apparently, a large segment of the Bon Jovi fans would rather pay at least $60 to sit on their ass than get up and dance. A late night after-party led to a bit of a hangover and hence, an excuse to take another “rest” day. BTW, I could totally tell the difference between the hangover when I was 38 versus my HO at age 39. When I turn 40 could be just awful.

It was a great birthday. I turned the clock on a year of my life. I have some short term goals in place and now I have to get out and run 6 miles in this: (but Looking Good!)

And then:

Do you ever have those days when it feels like you are moving faster than you really are? Today was that day. I thought I was killing it (my pace), until I looked at the Garmin when I finished. (more on this phenomenon later).

I bought a new shirt today.

It’s kind of cheesy, but half off at Dicks Sporting Goods on the clearance rack is hard to resist. $20 bucks for a tech shirt? I would probably wear it if it were pink. Tiger should get cancer, then Nike would forgive him for his issues, because Lance ain't no saint. But damn it! Here I am. Giving both of them my money. Anyway, I will be Looking Good. Happy Birthday to me! Chris got me new sunglasses and a massage for my B-Day. Some cash from the 'rents. A big Shout Out to Jessie and Dustin for bringin brownies to me at work. Pete and Jen, Murph and Sarah, that was a damn good time. Thank you all. Watch out, next week I will be Looking Better and Feeling Good! Friday is the start of Spring Break….shopping, massages, lunch with friends, time off, regroup. Oh yea, I am ready!

Hump Song of todays run:

Dave Matthews Band - Eh Hee

Yesterday's Run: 5.95 miles - 9:44 pace
Now Playing: The Rolling Stones - Sweet Virginia

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